Thursday, April 21, 2016

5 Remedies for Curing Insomnia

Have you ever laid in bed, tossed and turned, rolled while kicking off the covers, pulling them up to your chin and then started all over again? Sleep just won't come? Your brain is talking to you and telling you things like you're never going to make payroll. There is too much to do and not enough time to do it all. You're not going to be successful because you don't know what's the right thing to do to answer the problem.
If you're like me your brain starts to run non-stop the minute the lights go out and the house quiets down. It seems to delight in making me squirm and think about all the scary stuff that only goes bang in the night. I worry about everything from missing a meeting in the morning, to getting enough people to come to come to an event I'm hosting 6 months from now.
Have you ever had a night like this? There are a couple of things I do when this happens...I turn on the tv and try to drown out the nasty little bugger's cries. when that doesn't work, I get out a pen and paper and start to work on my goals and to dos, working on ways to eliminate the worry that I'm dealing with.
There is nothing you can do to NEVER fear the unknown but there are ways that you can put them at bay. Here are 5 remedies that will help you sleep better at night.
1.    Create a plan (SMART goals, business plan, marketing plan, etc.) Put them down in writing and keep track of how you're moving along that route. By being aware of where you're headed and how you're getting there, you can feel more on track or can analyze what you need to do different to put yourself back on the right road.
2.     Find a group or two that you become active with -- by finding mentors and others that have similar business experiences you have people to bounce ideas off of, share questions and thoughts with, and know that you're not alone out there. There is nothing new in this world -- someone somewhere has had a similar circumstance that they can help you with in your own life.
3.     What are the top 5 things that keep you awake at night? Write them down and then figure out why they worry you and find solutions that will make you less fearful. For instance, if your fear is that you won't have enough clients at a meeting, what can you do to let more people know that the event is happening? Can you ask your clients and potential clients if the event is something that they would like to be a part of. Write a press release and send it to outlets near where the event is happening.
4.     If you're worries about about strategies and actions, take a class so that you better understand what you're dealing with. Find a program at the community college, or hire a coach.  And if there just aren't enough hours to get it all done, and the "not getting done" stuff are things you don't like to do, aren't skilled at, then perhaps its time to hire a Virtual Assistant. You may think that you don't have the money for this, but if by them helping you you actually are able to do the things that DO make money, you'll be better off in the long run.
5.     Finally, the 5th remedy for insomnia is time management. When you have a better idea of how much time it takes to do something, how much time you take working on different things, and if you procrastinate, look at ways that you can get a better handle on the time. There are only 24 hours in a day ... how you spend them is the best answer to getting more done.
If you take these situations and apply them to your business you're on your way to better sleep and a stronger, more successful business.
Sleep well!!!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

How May I Help You?

This is the question that as a business owner we should always be asking. What can I do to help you? Is there something you need that I can help you with? What are your needs and what would you like to see happen? These are all questions that we should ask your clients/customers. When we work with others the tune we should sing is what's in it for YOU, not me. By giving to them the things they want and need, we make ourselves valuable.
Unfortunately, all too often, businesses forget that motto. They get so excited about all the "good" they're doing, that they forget to think about what's best for the customer. How often have you gone into a new restaurant in town and the food is wonderful, the prices are reasonable and you think "FINALLY, we've got a great place to hang out now!". But after a few months, the quality of the food goes down, the service becomes lackluster, and the prices start to inch up.
The owners have gotten complacent with the customers and think wow, we're making money ... this is great. And they stop thinking about what brought those customers in in the first place.  That starts the downhill spiral.
There are a lot of other examples as well. Can you think of any that you've seen happening?
We all have a tendency to relax and loosen our quality standards over time. What about customer service? I'm SURE you can give examples of bad customer service, but can you think of somewhere that you've been where there's been EXCELLENT customer service? Something you've raved over?
While talking about high quality service principles, it doesn't take much to make someone a raving fan. Sadly, people have lowered their standards so far that anything a little bit better is seen as exceptional service. Thus, any thing you do that goes above and beyond is good for you and good for your clients. Here's an example: when you answer the phone, put a smile on your face -- it will "show" in your voice when you answer. Answer by saying, "Happy X day. I hope you're having a great day. What may I help you with?" How often do you hear someone answer the phone that way?
Another area that needs to be redesigned is the way we think of our products and services. What is it that we're offering to our customers out there? Do we offer them good food, good consulting, good tv service? What is it we offer. I can tell you right now none of those things listed above are what you offer. Instead, you offer values (emotional things like relaxation, enjoyment, entertainment, time with family and friends). All the different types of things that our customers want in their lives. Does this make sense?
In the end we have to realize that what we do for our clients all revolves around them -- not us. When we ask questions like what can I do for you? We gain customers, make more money and become more successful. Keep this in mind as you start a new day. And in the meantime, if there's anything I can help you with, please let me know.