Entrepreneurial Success
Thursday, June 29, 2023
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Thursday, March 15, 2018
The building of America — oops, our businesses
The overwhelming message that came through time and time again was how purposefully these men and women worked to get the life that they dreamed of having. Life was certainly difficult back then. Often it was literally life or death. In Daniel Boone’s case he faced starvation, Indian capture, the burning of his home, and much more. Yet, he did not say “Oh the heck with it, I’m going back east.” Instead, he became more determined than ever to build a life for himself, his family, and the many others who followed him west.
Without him, and all the many others who followed, we would today be living very different lives. Our lives as we know them now, while being filled with sometimes difficult, sometimes pleasurable situations, is certainly a much different world than back in the 1700s. All I can do is shake my head when thinking about how lucky I really have it and everyone around me too.
All this got me thinking about running my business and how many of us deal with running business in general these days. I know for myself that I really want to succeed, and that I’m willing to do a lot to make that happen. But given the circumstances faced by Daniel Boone (or any of the men featured in the segments on the Industrial Revolution) I’m not sure I would say it was worth it.
And therein lies a problem that I see with many small business owners today. Sure, we want to have successful businesses, but are we willing to put in the hard work and energy that it takes to get there? When asked why someone wants to start their own business often the answer is: 1) to be the boss of my own time, 2) do the things I like to do, 3) make as much money as I want, etc. all sounds good yes? Those are all things I wanted to do when I started my business too.
I truly believe that it is of utmost importance for us to have goals and next steps to accomplishing those goals. There needs to be timelines, and accountability, to move ourselves forward. I just don’t often see the drive to accomplish things the way they did historically. Even a simple task like making a loaf of bread was difficult back then. Today, go to the store and buy a loaf. Or if we’re industrious, we may buy a mix, and in a half hour we have a hot fresh loaf of bread. Unfortunately, the same should not said about our business. “The Four-Hour Work Week”, and other similar concepts, make it sound so simple. And it can be. But I think it portrays a very real danger for people contemplating starting a business and not understanding truly difficult and time-consuming work that one generally must put into a business startup.
My advice to anyone thinking about becoming a business owner is to know what their true intention is, and to have a plan – thought out and written – before even taking that first baby step. I don’t believe that a 120-page business plan (taught in business school) is necessarily needed. However, a simple business plan, with goals, steps to accomplish those goals, and understanding of the values and benefits provided the customer, a target market, as well as a series of other well thought out rationales and understandings, including financials, needs to be incorporated.
There still is no guarantee that your business will be successful: at least not initially. Yet, you are giving yourself a leg up if you can think of yourself as the modern-day Daniel Boone. Work your business as he did his life so many years ago and you will be much further along the road to success.
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Courage, Brains and Heart
Most of you know that I love The Wizard of Oz. I was reading
an article today that, while not about the Wizard, talked about having to have
courage, brains, and a heart to be a successful business person. What an
excellent opportunity to write a blog!!!!
As a 35+ year business owner and coach to over 1000
businesses throughout the years, I know for a fact how true that statement is.
It takes more than a ton (no exaggeration) of courage to face the fears that
everyone has when starting – and running – a business. I wake up every day and
think what new fear will I face today? Traveling today for a meeting
we had to drive through nearly non-visable conditions due to fog. And the
idiots driving without headlights didn’t help either. Now that was scary. But
it was a business meeting and we weren't about to miss it.
That’s just one little fear. I could go on and on but I think
you get the idea.
Then there’s brains. What do brains have to do with
anything? Well, let’s see. I think I want to sell air conditioners to Eskimos.
That should be a good business, right? Probably better think about that idea
before investing a whole lot of money. You might be bankrupt soon, otherwise. When
you don’t think about things, learn things, ask questions, find out what your
customers want, how do you deal with vendors, employees, etc. you probably will
not have a successful business.
And then, what about heart? Unless it’s Valentine’s Day,
what do hearts have to do with running a business. In today’s business world,
it’s all about relationships. First, if you don’t have a heart for what you’re
doing you might as well just have a job. You need passion and love for your
business or else sooner or later either it will fail or you’ll tire of it and
As well, you have to
treat your customers (and all who come in contact with you) with caring and
consideration. People these days are smart and they are looking for authentic,
real people who care about the world around them and the people they serve –
yes, serve. How often do you hear about the heart-centered business? Often
It took traveling to Oz for the lion, scarecrow and tinman
to find their courage, brains and heart. Please don’t wait to go to Oz to find
yours. It’s already inside you – just click your heels together 3 times and
then put in the work to find them in yourself. I guarantee this will help your
business grow.
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Want More Freedom and Money From Your Business? Try Masterminds
That’s the response I usually get when I tell people that I lead online mastermind programs.
They get this glazed look in their eyes and say, “Oh, that’s nice.” I then ask them, “Have you ever been part of a mastermind group?” They shake their heads, admitting that they don’t even know what that means.
But, if you own a small business, you've probably asked yourself at one time or another:
- How can I get more customers?
- What can I do to make more money?
- How do I use Facebook and LinkedIn to market my business effectively?
Sounds familiar, right?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a small group of friends there to help you figure it out?

AHHHHH! Now the light bulb turns on.
Large companies have boards of directors, charities have advisory boards, and now, so too can the small-business owner.
At this point I see the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz, pointing with his arms crossed, saying, “They went thatta way.”
Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a group of people that were there to support you, and to share their thoughts on your questions and ideas—a sounding board that will tell you (without prejudice or presupposed values) whether your ideas make sense, based on their experiences and knowledge?
You don’t have to go it alone
Having been part of such groups for years, I know the value. It is so invigorating to know that I’m not all alone and that I do have someone I can talk to about my ideas and my goals—my dreams for success.
I think that talking with people who have different experiences, who may have “been there, done that” before me is really helpful.
Why should I do something that others have already proven doesn't work. Why not try something that has worked well for someone else in the group?
It’s very empowering to know that others have walked where I am thinking of going.Okay. So you get the idea behind a mastermind now. Great! But how do you get involved in one? Where’s the best place to look?
- There are in-person weekly, monthly and once or twice a year (all day) events.
- There are online groups that are free and often become more of a friendship coffee klatch.
- And then there are online groups that have specific agendas, are led by a certified facilitator, and focus on true growth for its members. This is the model I use for the MEGA.
The MEGA Mastermind programs (online programs that, with a small group of like-minded business owners) meets twice a month, either in the morning before work, or in the evening once you’re home and in your comfy jammies and slippers... LOL. This group has helped many people over the past 8 years.
If you're interested, check out my website to learn more. There is a charge for MEGA as there is with all good mastermind groups, but I believe that that also creates a sense of accountability and helps in the decision to be active. Confidentiality is paramount—what happens here, stays here!
In the MEGA Mastermind programs we:
- have an agenda in which we share successes. Sharing successes often inspires others to think of ways they can also succeed in their own business. This also keeps the group focused and consistent.
- discuss a specific topic. When our discussions center around specific topics we not only get inspiration, but often learn new techniques, gain resources and validate methods of doing things that we may not have known of or considered, prior.
- share our questions, concerns and breakthroughs. Your ideas and thoughts are protected by the confidentiality rules, and include a strict responsibility for people to always be positive and supportive of each other – no name calling, etc.
You could be a part of an awesome group for a low monthly fee for the 12-month program (or save $150 when you pay for the full year up front).
And, as an added bonus, you get a monthly one-on-one session with me, where we work on implementing the things you’ve learned and have decided to use to move your business forward.
Interested? Call Nancy at 269-319-6041 or send me an email at nancy@success4biz.biz. To learn more about the program, go to http://success4biz.biz, and check out the testimonials.
Remember, together we can work towards making the best out of you and your business.
Friday, January 6, 2017
All I Wanted For Christmas -- What About You?
(this is more than a bandaid moment!)
I asked Santa for 2 things for Christmas... the first was for better health (I'm sick of hurting and being ill all the time!) and 2nd was to have a growth in my business. I haven't gotten my first wish. In fact, I'm possibly looking at MORE surgery down the road one day. Yet, I'm just as tired of whining over "this darn Complex Regional Pain Syndrome" and the complications therein, as anything. So, I have realized that in order to get my second wish, I have to make peace with the 1st.
I've been doing a lot of hard work over the past several months, trying to get a handle on just exactly it is that I do, that I want to do, who I want to do it with and how I want to live my life moving forward. There have been many changes, some deep diving into my psyche as well as my business model, and I truly am looking at moving in a new and successful direction this year.
So what about you? Did you ask Santa for some changes in your business over the next year? What is is that you really want for yourself and your business? Do you want to make more money? Do you want more customers, yet not wanting to give up free time or the benefits of life you have now? How much pain do you feel for the status quo? If you're like me, you're no longer willing to live with the pains (whether metaphorical or physical); you're ready to do whatever it takes to get to a new and more joyful level. How do you do that though?
I truly believe -- whether you've been in business for 30 years or 30 minutes -- you need to take some time (and now's a great time to start) and figure things out. Here are some suggestions on how to do that.
1. It's a bit of an exercise here -- but sit back, with a good hot cup of coffee or tea -- or whatever your beverage of choice might be -- and think about what you'd like your life to look like in 5 years, or a year, or even 6 months from now. Write it down and put it somewhere that you can look at it regularly. Once you truly know what you want and not just what your mind tells you you want, then you can start to create the processes and strategies to get you there.
2. While everyone knows about SMART goals, they may not be something you do. Goals can be so daunting. Yet, I really suggest you take this picture of your future life and start to chart how you’re going to get there. The best way to do that? Create a roadmap that will guide you down the path from point A to point B. I do a bit more with SMART goals than most, and that is to put to do lists together. So, for example, one of my goals this next year is to make $500,000. That in and of itself is nerve jangling to me. Without guidance on how to get there, I’m ready to quit already. BUT — if I start to figure out ways to get that I relax, and think, “Maybe I can do this”.
In order for me to get that amount of money, I have to offer something that people are going to want, and that they are willing to pay for. Ok. So, for starters, my Gathering: Peer Advisory Board is starting next week. I want to have 2 groups, each with 10 people at $X. That’s a start but not nearly enough. So, then, I move on to the creation of my evergreen courses. The first two are “Baby Steps to Starting (and Growing) Your Small Business”, and “Creating Raving Fans: The Best in Customer Service Techniques”. Those, once set up are there for anyone to take 24 hours a day, and I have little to do with the maintenance. That, for sure, is a win-win.
Finally, I want to have a few programs that are just for the most excited to grow their business. They are the ones that are ready, willing and certainly ABLE to get the job done. They are geared up to put in the time and energy to create a super successful business, and they’re willing to pay for it as well.
Now, I’m excited, but still a little leery. That’s a lot of work, and I’m not sure I know how to do it, or how to get people to want it. Does any of this sound familiar? I know that I need help to do all this. I have hired a coach (yes, we all could use coaches), and a VA (ask and I’ll send you to her; she’s great). And I’m looking at hiring a wordsmith to put in the right psychological wording to hit the bullseye with my target market. These are all things that you can, and should, consider for yourself, as well.
If you’re interested in following through with these ideas and get on board to your own success, then please come on over to my website and sign up for a FREE 1/2 hour consultation. I guarantee that you will leave with at least 1 or 2 actionable items that you can put to use immediately — guaranteed to help you Soar Higher. The website is Business Success Unlimited. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Are There Monsters Under Your Bed?
As a kid I was afraid of the monsters under my bed. Night after night I would make one of my parents check to make sure that we were safe and that the monster had been shooed away. I think this must be pretty common. There’s even a commercial right now where one scene has the dad and the little girl looking under the bed and the dad says “there’s no monster, just Mr. Elephant”, and he pulls out a stuffed elephant.
We grow up and become the ones checking to ensure our children’s monsters are shooed away. But that doesn’t mean that we don’t still have our own slinky, slimy nightmares just waiting to pounce. But as adults, ours (especially if we are small business owners – or want to be owners) are much harder to get rid of.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently stated that over 51% of all US adults want to own their own business; yet only 6% actually accomplish that dream. What is it that keeps them from making it happen? Their monsters. Fear is most likely the number one reason – fear of failure, fear of success, fear of friends/family criticizing or looking down on the idea. These are all pretty common fears. Most everything you want right now is outside of your comfort zone. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. It will become a way of life, and easier every time. The first thing we need to do is to figure out what it is we might be afraid of; and then, just like all those years ago, we have to face them. For weeks my dad had to come to the bedroom with me, look under my bed and say Nope, no monsters here today. Eventually, I got to the point where I wasn’t afraid any longer. The same thing will happen for you. When you’re afraid of something, work at alleviating it and over time it will lessen and lessen until it’s suddenly – no longer there.
Here’s an example for you: I’m very afraid of standing in front of people and giving presentations. My fear is that I will look silly, or that they will say I’m making a fool of myself. But my business is that of an educational/ training facility and so, of course, one of my main tasks is to stand in front of people and to train them through presentations. It would be really bad if I couldn’t do that due to fear wouldn’t it. It was imperative that I do everything I could to rid myself of that fear. I haven’t yet, but I make sure that I get in front of people as often as I can. In fact, I even just found this wonderful speakers bureau where I’m going to be speaking more often than ever before. It’s the best way to STOP the fear.
So, ok, now it’s your turn. What are you afraid of that may be holding you back in your business? What can you do to start working your way through that fear so that you see “the light at the end of the dark tunnel”, or know that when you look under your bed, all you’ll see are dust bunnies!
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