Thursday, January 5, 2017

Are There Monsters Under Your Bed?

As a kid I was afraid of the monsters under my bed. Night after night I would make one of my parents check to make sure that we were safe and that the monster had been shooed away. I think this must be pretty common. There’s even a commercial right now where one scene has the dad and the little girl looking under the bed and the dad says “there’s no monster, just Mr. Elephant”, and he pulls out a stuffed elephant.
We grow up and become the ones checking to ensure our children’s monsters are shooed away. But that doesn’t mean that we don’t still have our own slinky, slimy nightmares just waiting to pounce. But as adults, ours (especially if we are small business owners – or want to be owners) are much harder to get rid of.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently stated that over 51% of all US adults want to own their own business; yet only 6% actually accomplish that dream. What is it that keeps them from making it happen? Their monsters. Fear is most likely the number one reason – fear of failure, fear of success, fear of friends/family criticizing or looking down on the idea. These are all pretty common fears. Most everything you want right now is outside of your comfort zone. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. It will become a way of life, and easier every time. The first thing we need to do is to figure out what it is we might be afraid of; and then, just like all those years ago, we have to face them. For weeks my dad had to come to the bedroom with me, look under my bed and say Nope, no monsters here today. Eventually, I got to the point where I wasn’t afraid any longer. The same thing will happen for you. When you’re afraid of something, work at alleviating it and over time it will lessen and lessen until it’s suddenly – no longer there.
Here’s an example for you: I’m very afraid of standing in front of people and giving presentations. My fear is that I will look silly, or that they will say I’m making a fool of myself. But my business is that of an educational/ training facility and so, of course, one of my main tasks is to stand in front of people and to train them through presentations. It would be really bad if I couldn’t do that due to fear wouldn’t it. It was imperative that I do everything I could to rid myself of that fear. I haven’t yet, but I make sure that I get in front of people as often as I can. In fact, I even just found this wonderful speakers bureau where I’m going to be speaking more often than ever before. It’s the best way to STOP the fear.
So, ok, now it’s your turn. What are you afraid of that may be holding you back in your business? What can you do to start working your way through that fear so that you see “the light at the end of the dark tunnel”, or know that when you look under your bed, all you’ll see are dust bunnies!

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