Tuesday, July 28, 2015


I'm a small business. You may be as well. Or, you might be someone who can say, hey, I've made it. I'm a success. I'm no longer that small. Congratulations on whatever level you're at. You have made it -- you made the decision to be your own boss and to do the things that you have dreamed about doing.

I know, for me, I've never wanted anything except to own my own business, and started when I was 12 years old with a crafts store out of my parents basement. I then went on to create a summer educational program for the little kids in the neighborhood. Like the Pied Piper, I would go around the block picking up kids as I went. We would hop and sing, and laugh while we got our exercise, and then, when we got back to my yard, we would read stories, play games, work on arts and crafts projects, have a snack and then go home the same way we got there. And I did this all for 25 cents a kid a day. Back then that was good money -- especially for someone who was 12 or 13.

I learned the value of wanting something and buying it with my own, hard earned dollars. I purchased a guitar, and a brand new full sized bedroom set (getting rid of that tiny single). And between the money I saved, scholarships and student loans/work study programs, I paid my way through one of the best colleges in the midwest. That work ethic has stayed with me til today and sees me here working in my office after a night in the ER where my dad was having a stroke, and with me having level 12 pain from a hit and run accident I was in over a year ago.

But I tell you, it's interesting. I turn on the computer and I see emails and Facebook ads telling me that I can easily make $10,000 a month quickly and simply, by following the formulas crafted by this person or that. The book "The Four Hour Work Week" is popular and everyone I ask tells me they have started their own business to be their own boss, to have time to spend with family, to take vacations, and to only work with customers that they resonate with. Sounds wonderful to me too. Unfortunately, I have yet to see that formula truly work, especially without a lot of other stuff thrown in. I'm here to tell you, whether you want to hear it or not, that it takes work and effort and a lot of persistence to get to that level where you can take the vacations and the time to do the family things you want to do. It's not as simple as it sounds. 

I'm not saying that these (at least some of these) programs aren't right on the nose, but invariably, they all end the same -- they get us started with a teaser, and then we have to come up with the money to pay for the real work and the real mystery to be solved. So my question is, ok. If you're not making the money yet, how can you pay the thousands of dollars some of these gurus are asking for, in order to make the money. People buy into their philosophy and fork over the dollars, and then most often, never put it to work as they learn the real secret takes time, effort and patience (what I said in the beginning). 

So, here's my final thought -- I know the answer and I'm really happy to share it with you (for $1500, paid in two installments). You can sign up at my website. I'll be waiting to meet you!

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