That’s the response I usually get when I tell people that I lead online mastermind programs.
They get this glazed look in their eyes and say, “Oh, that’s nice.” I then ask them, “Have you ever been part of a mastermind group?” They shake their heads, admitting that they don’t even know what that means.
But, if you own a small business, you've probably asked yourself at one time or another:
- How can I get more customers?
- What can I do to make more money?
- How do I use Facebook and LinkedIn to market my business effectively?
Sounds familiar, right?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a small group of friends there to help you figure it out?
AHHHHH! Now the light bulb turns on.
Large companies have boards of directors, charities have advisory boards, and now, so too can the small-business owner.
At this point I see the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz, pointing with his arms crossed, saying, “They went thatta way.”
Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a group of people that were there to support you, and to share their thoughts on your questions and ideas—a sounding board that will tell you (without prejudice or presupposed values) whether your ideas make sense, based on their experiences and knowledge?
You don’t have to go it alone
Having been part of such groups for years, I know the value. It is so invigorating to know that I’m not all alone and that I do have someone I can talk to about my ideas and my goals—my dreams for success.
I think that talking with people who have different experiences, who may have “been there, done that” before me is really helpful.
Why should I do something that others have already proven doesn't work. Why not try something that has worked well for someone else in the group?
It’s very empowering to know that others have walked where I am thinking of going.Okay. So you get the idea behind a mastermind now. Great! But how do you get involved in one? Where’s the best place to look?
- There are in-person weekly, monthly and once or twice a year (all day) events.
- There are online groups that are free and often become more of a friendship coffee klatch.
- And then there are online groups that have specific agendas, are led by a certified facilitator, and focus on true growth for its members. This is the model I use for the MEGA.
The MEGA Mastermind programs (online programs that, with a small group of like-minded business owners) meets twice a month, either in the morning before work, or in the evening once you’re home and in your comfy jammies and slippers... LOL. This group has helped many people over the past 8 years.
If you're interested, check out my website to learn more. There is a charge for MEGA as there is with all good mastermind groups, but I believe that that also creates a sense of accountability and helps in the decision to be active. Confidentiality is paramount—what happens here, stays here!
In the MEGA Mastermind programs we:
- have an agenda in which we share successes. Sharing successes often inspires others to think of ways they can also succeed in their own business. This also keeps the group focused and consistent.
- discuss a specific topic. When our discussions center around specific topics we not only get inspiration, but often learn new techniques, gain resources and validate methods of doing things that we may not have known of or considered, prior.
- share our questions, concerns and breakthroughs. Your ideas and thoughts are protected by the confidentiality rules, and include a strict responsibility for people to always be positive and supportive of each other – no name calling, etc.
You could be a part of an awesome group for a low monthly fee for the 12-month program (or save $150 when you pay for the full year up front).
And, as an added bonus, you get a monthly one-on-one session with me, where we work on implementing the things you’ve learned and have decided to use to move your business forward.
Interested? Call Nancy at 269-319-6041 or send me an email at nancy@success4biz.biz. To learn more about the program, go to http://success4biz.biz, and check out the testimonials.
Remember, together we can work towards making the best out of you and your business.