Thursday, January 21, 2016

When You Wish Upon a Star

Do you know how hard it is to get small business people to articulate why they decided to go into business? It's like pulling teeth (and I know, I was just at the dentist's. LOL) Business 101 tells us that we need to know what our ideal customer is and what they want. Makes sense to me. You can't sell to someone if they aren't interested in what you have to offer. Yet, for a small business consultant, that can be difficult.
I periodically ask people why did you go into business for yourself? What do you hope will be the end result of this activity? I can't even get anyone to answer. I put this question up on several Facebook groups (business groups that are FOR entrepreneurs, etc.) and of all the hundreds of members in these groups, I got three answers. THREE.
And those answers could have all come from the same person -- "living the dream." Duh. What does that mean in tangible terms? More time perhaps to spend with family or friends? More money to buy some of the nicer things in life? Each person, I'm sure, that decided to go out one day and start their own business had a specific reason in mind. I know for many in the area where I live right now, those businesses were started because of the bad economy in 2008. People were laid off, lost their homes, and needed something coming in to pay the bills and feed their bellies. Sounds like a plan to me. So, for them, the dream was to get by in many cases.

Another group I have watched start working in the direct sales arena. People know the products usually. There are others there to support them. They think it will be an easy "sales" process. To be frank, and I know this is NOT true for everyone and is a horrible generality (so please forgive me) but is good as an example of many -- they are often women, who have other members of the family who are bringing in an income, and this is a way for them to have pocket money, and a way for them to have some independence and self-mastery. They are what we often call (and guess what, so does the IRS) hobby businesses.
There is also a difference between small business owners and entrepreneurs. Which are you? Do you know? A small business owner (and just to save you from blasting me, yes these are generalities) often is one who works at a job -- they come in at 9 and leave at 5. They put in a days work for a day's pay. An entrepreneur, on the other hand, jumps out of bed in the morning raring to go. Thinking about all the exciting things they are going to do during the day. What new challenges they can find to tackle and how are they going to accomplish it. When I ask entrepreneurs why they got into business, I get answers like to find and conquer new things. To meet new people. To grow bigger and better than I was yesterday. They, too, have a dream, but they are ready and anxious to get out there and see what they can do to accomplish that goal.
I remember wishing on a star when I was a kid -- those wishes turned into dreams and now, through a LOT of hard work, pain, suffering and extreme pleasure, my dream has become a goal which has become a task which is now becoming a RESULT. So, I ask you where are you going? Why did you get started in business? What do you hope will be the end result? I would love to hear from you.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Master WHAT?

That’s the response I get most of the time when I tell people that I lead online mastermind programs. They get this glazed look in their eyes and say, “oh, that’s nice.” I then ask them, “have you ever been part of a Mastermind group?” They shake their heads, admitting that they don’t know what that means.
In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill the creator of the term mastermind describes the power of the mastermind as, “the coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.” He continues, “No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind.”
Any clearer? Probably not. What this all means is that when several people get together and focus on one issue the ideas that come out of that discussion have more meaning, and resonate more than if just one person, by him or herself, was trying to figure it out alone, ie: two minds are better than one.
AHHHHH! Now the lightbulb turns on. Large companies have boards of directors, charities have advisory boards, and now so too can the small business owner. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard people say, I wish I knew what to do? My marketing just doesn’t seem to be getting me anywhere? Should I do this, or should I do that? Which way do I turn? At this point I see the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz, pointing with his arms crossed, saying “They went thatta way.” Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a group of people that were there to support you, and to share their thoughts on your questions and ideas: a sounding board that will tell you (without prejudice or presupposed values) whether your ideas make sense based on their experiences and knowledge?
Having been part of such groups for years, I know the value. It is so invigorating to know that I’m not all alone and that I do have someone I can talk to about my ideas and my goals – my dreams for success. I think that talking with people who have different experiences, who may have “been there, done that” before me is really helpful. Why should I do something that others have already tried (perhaps unsuccessfully)? Why not try something that someone else thinks has worked well in this environment? It’s very empowering to know that others have walked where I am thinking of going.
Okay. You get the idea behind a mastermind now. Great. But how do you get involved in one? What’s the best place to look? There are several different types of mastermind programs out there. There’s the local ones where people get together, face-to-face, either weekly, semi-weekly or monthly. This is great as the people you are working with are local, they have their own businesses in the same place where you are running yours. They know the environment, the people, the atmosphere. And, with the in-person conversations you find yourself being held accountable for your decisions. When you say, I’m going to try that, and you come back and haven’t? You will hear about it (in a friendly and supportive way, of course).
The Success Mastermind programs (online programs that, with a small group of like-minded business owners) meet twice a month, either in the morning before work, or in the evening once you’re home and in your comfy jammies and slippers (LOL) have helped many of people over the past 8 years. And now, with the new in person all-day intensives, Level UP! Masterminds, business owners have no excuse for doing it on their own. If interested, I highly recommend you check out my website at Business Success Unlimited (Executive Coaching - Business Success Unlimited ) and Dream BIG Retreat (va-beach-retreat ) There is a charge for these groups, but I believe that that also creates a sense of accountability and helps in the decision to be active. These groups have an agenda in which we share successes, discuss a specific topic, and then share our questions, concerns and breakthroughs. One of the nice things about this type of group is that you get to share with people from different parts of the country (and globe – we have several members from Canada). Not only do you learn about the local environment and culture, but you can hear about other people, other businesses, and other cultures. It can really be eye-opening. Interested, call Nancy at 269-319-6041.
And rest assured these programs are guaranteed. I want the best for you and your business. If that doesn’t happen, it doesn’t bode well for me either, right?

Monday, January 11, 2016

Ruby Slippers -- There's No Place Like Home

Many of you may know what a big fan of The Wizard of Oz (and all the stories by Baum regarding this wonderful land) I am. It is a great way to while away the hours (oh wait, that's part of a song from the movie, right?) but it's also full of inspiration and business guidance when you read it with the right mindset.
The various characters all have qualities that need to be a part of any business owner -- leadership, heart, a sense of goal orientation, fear and courage, and even the supporting crowd around -- all have lessons to teach us when we watch with a clear eye.
I have written many blogs in the past about different lessons we can, and should, learn from these characters, from their words and actions. One of my favorite is that of the scarecrow who tells Dorothy that (I'm paraphrasing here) if she doesn't know where she's going, anywhere will get her there. Dorothy comes to a fork in the yellow brick road and she doesn't know which way to take to get her to the Emerald City. The scarecrow says that some go one way, others go the other and each is very nice. He is held up by the pole but he crosses his arms pointing down both directions. It is eventually up to Dorothy to figure out which way she wants to go.
Today, I am struck by a very different symbol. It's not one of the characters in the book, but is the ruby slippers that Dorothy wears -- a gift from Glenda to help guide her way. We know they must be very powerful because the Wicked Witch of the West wants them very badly. But we don't really know why. According to the Oz scholars they have several meanings, one of which is a financial one, but I'm not going to talk about that today.
Instead, on a much simpler note, the meaning of the slippers is that Dorothy could have used them anytime she wanted to take her back to Kansas. They represented a solution to a problem. Well, that's all fine and good, but I see some problems with this, particularly when it comes to the world of entrepreneurship.
In business today, we are bombarded with marketing that tells us, "Hey, join my business and you'll be making a ton of money overnight." "FREE -- come join me and I'll set you up for life in your own email marketing program." And more and more and more. There are FREE webinars that guarantee that we will soon become the go-to person in our field. We can be stay at home moms and still make thousands of dollars a month, only spending part-time on the product or service we sell. The tales go on and on. It's kind of like, when you get to Oz, you can have anything you want. A brain? Sure. A heart? Why not. And you want Courage? Of course my dear cowardly lion.
And then you have those ruby slippers. All Dorothy had to do was tap them together 3 times and say "there's no place like home." Wouldn't it be great if we could do the same thing, saying "my business is the best." Or, "I make thousands of dollars a year." The ads that we see for business building are those ruby slippers, telling us that all we have to do is believe, and we'll make it.
Unfortunately, I don't think that's true. And believe me, I wish it were. This is my first "dent" in the truth of what the movie tells us. All along the way we've seen the courage, the heart the tenacity of the group, working their way to their goal -- the Emerald City. And you know what? They make it and they get what they were looking for. FANTASTIC. Yes, I do believe that THAT can and should be a part of our actions and attitudes towards our dreams and our goals. Yet, when we're told that none of that was necessary, she could have done it all along just be wishing it were so, then the whole premise (to me) of the movie/book falls tumbling down and is totally discredited.
I get really frustrated, and yes angry, when I see all these tales of unbelievable probable success created by those who (in my terms) resemble the Wizard (a Kansas conman) who tricked the people of the land of Oz into believing he was the "Great and Wonderful Oz."
Holding to this analogy, there are those that might consider me the Wicked Witch because I'm trying to take away the ruby slippers, but I have to say, hard work, courage in the face of danger and a loving regard for others around us, and using your brain when it could be so easy to just follow along any old road, far outweighs the value of those shiny objects on Dorothy's feet or in our newsfeeds. Take heart, lovers of the Oz series, the truth does win out even in this fictional tale. Dorothy does get home, but she gets there because she was determined to do it and found her way amidst all the confusion, calamity and unknown along the way. You can do it too. Just follow that yellow brick road.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Have You Ever Been Snookered?

I am furious and really tired of all those marketers out there that tell you they've got this tremendous way to help you grow your business and if you give them your email address you'll send them THE FREE REPORT. Then you get this little email that says, hope this helps you, so you buy into it. You give them your contact info and you sit there waiting to find the answer to all your prayers. A way to grow your business. YAY!
Then, when the link comes sailing into your email, you click (with baited breath) and wait until the website opens with this magical way to make your business become successful. Reading it, you get some interesting statistics and other information that has you nodding your head in agreement, saying "Ok. When do we get to the part that helps me with my business. I don't want to be part of the 95% that's failing. Tell me what to do." You read to the very end, only to find that if you really want to know the answer to that question, you have to sign up (and pay) for a workshop, a book, or a one-on-one conference call. Yup. You've been snookered.
Ok. I get it. As a business we all need to make money, and your business makes it's by selling your knowledge and expertise. Fine. Nothing wrong with that, but what gets me just fuming is that you "sell" us the hype that you're giving us this knowledge for free and then you charge us once you've got us hooked. That's like the old switch and bait routine that is now illegal in many places. And, it's just not a nice thing to do.
Sure, we should be smart enough to know this is what's coming, but there's always the hope that we will find out something that is going to help. That there's a good guy out there somewhere that really wants to support our success and is willing to be part of it through mentoring us and giving us the benefit of their experience.
It doesn't really stop there either, does it. When you do find something or someone that you think is the real thing, and you pay for their book, their seminar, their consulting -- how often do you wind up being unsatisfied with the results? I'm betting its not just me that has had that happen. And I don't like it. So, I'm giving you my promise right here and now.
Yes, I'm a consultant. Yes, I know that there are ways to get your business to become more successful. It's not all that mysterious. It takes hard work and "stick-to-it-ive-ness!" but when you really set your sights on your goals, you most often can make it work.
Ready for the promise? Here goes. I will work with you -- have your best interests at heart. Not charge you a fortune, but there will be a cost involved. And I guarantee that you will get value and benefit from our work together. No secrets, but there will be free and valuable giveaways along the line. Here's a take off on the credit card company motto:
Workshops -- $90
Retreats -- $200
Masterminds -- $50
Business Growth -- PRICELESS