Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Master WHAT?

That’s the response I get most of the time when I tell people that I lead online mastermind programs. They get this glazed look in their eyes and say, “oh, that’s nice.” I then ask them, “have you ever been part of a Mastermind group?” They shake their heads, admitting that they don’t know what that means.
In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill the creator of the term mastermind describes the power of the mastermind as, “the coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.” He continues, “No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind.”
Any clearer? Probably not. What this all means is that when several people get together and focus on one issue the ideas that come out of that discussion have more meaning, and resonate more than if just one person, by him or herself, was trying to figure it out alone, ie: two minds are better than one.
AHHHHH! Now the lightbulb turns on. Large companies have boards of directors, charities have advisory boards, and now so too can the small business owner. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard people say, I wish I knew what to do? My marketing just doesn’t seem to be getting me anywhere? Should I do this, or should I do that? Which way do I turn? At this point I see the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz, pointing with his arms crossed, saying “They went thatta way.” Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a group of people that were there to support you, and to share their thoughts on your questions and ideas: a sounding board that will tell you (without prejudice or presupposed values) whether your ideas make sense based on their experiences and knowledge?
Having been part of such groups for years, I know the value. It is so invigorating to know that I’m not all alone and that I do have someone I can talk to about my ideas and my goals – my dreams for success. I think that talking with people who have different experiences, who may have “been there, done that” before me is really helpful. Why should I do something that others have already tried (perhaps unsuccessfully)? Why not try something that someone else thinks has worked well in this environment? It’s very empowering to know that others have walked where I am thinking of going.
Okay. You get the idea behind a mastermind now. Great. But how do you get involved in one? What’s the best place to look? There are several different types of mastermind programs out there. There’s the local ones where people get together, face-to-face, either weekly, semi-weekly or monthly. This is great as the people you are working with are local, they have their own businesses in the same place where you are running yours. They know the environment, the people, the atmosphere. And, with the in-person conversations you find yourself being held accountable for your decisions. When you say, I’m going to try that, and you come back and haven’t? You will hear about it (in a friendly and supportive way, of course).
The Success Mastermind programs (online programs that, with a small group of like-minded business owners) meet twice a month, either in the morning before work, or in the evening once you’re home and in your comfy jammies and slippers (LOL) have helped many of people over the past 8 years. And now, with the new in person all-day intensives, Level UP! Masterminds, business owners have no excuse for doing it on their own. If interested, I highly recommend you check out my website at Business Success Unlimited (Executive Coaching - Business Success Unlimited ) and Dream BIG Retreat (va-beach-retreat ) There is a charge for these groups, but I believe that that also creates a sense of accountability and helps in the decision to be active. These groups have an agenda in which we share successes, discuss a specific topic, and then share our questions, concerns and breakthroughs. One of the nice things about this type of group is that you get to share with people from different parts of the country (and globe – we have several members from Canada). Not only do you learn about the local environment and culture, but you can hear about other people, other businesses, and other cultures. It can really be eye-opening. Interested, call Nancy at 269-319-6041.
And rest assured these programs are guaranteed. I want the best for you and your business. If that doesn’t happen, it doesn’t bode well for me either, right?

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