Thursday, January 7, 2016

Have You Ever Been Snookered?

I am furious and really tired of all those marketers out there that tell you they've got this tremendous way to help you grow your business and if you give them your email address you'll send them THE FREE REPORT. Then you get this little email that says, hope this helps you, so you buy into it. You give them your contact info and you sit there waiting to find the answer to all your prayers. A way to grow your business. YAY!
Then, when the link comes sailing into your email, you click (with baited breath) and wait until the website opens with this magical way to make your business become successful. Reading it, you get some interesting statistics and other information that has you nodding your head in agreement, saying "Ok. When do we get to the part that helps me with my business. I don't want to be part of the 95% that's failing. Tell me what to do." You read to the very end, only to find that if you really want to know the answer to that question, you have to sign up (and pay) for a workshop, a book, or a one-on-one conference call. Yup. You've been snookered.
Ok. I get it. As a business we all need to make money, and your business makes it's by selling your knowledge and expertise. Fine. Nothing wrong with that, but what gets me just fuming is that you "sell" us the hype that you're giving us this knowledge for free and then you charge us once you've got us hooked. That's like the old switch and bait routine that is now illegal in many places. And, it's just not a nice thing to do.
Sure, we should be smart enough to know this is what's coming, but there's always the hope that we will find out something that is going to help. That there's a good guy out there somewhere that really wants to support our success and is willing to be part of it through mentoring us and giving us the benefit of their experience.
It doesn't really stop there either, does it. When you do find something or someone that you think is the real thing, and you pay for their book, their seminar, their consulting -- how often do you wind up being unsatisfied with the results? I'm betting its not just me that has had that happen. And I don't like it. So, I'm giving you my promise right here and now.
Yes, I'm a consultant. Yes, I know that there are ways to get your business to become more successful. It's not all that mysterious. It takes hard work and "stick-to-it-ive-ness!" but when you really set your sights on your goals, you most often can make it work.
Ready for the promise? Here goes. I will work with you -- have your best interests at heart. Not charge you a fortune, but there will be a cost involved. And I guarantee that you will get value and benefit from our work together. No secrets, but there will be free and valuable giveaways along the line. Here's a take off on the credit card company motto:
Workshops -- $90
Retreats -- $200
Masterminds -- $50
Business Growth -- PRICELESS

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