Monday, August 17, 2015

A Rose By Any Other Name ...

I had a very interesting experience the other day. My blogs have been getting pretty high numbers (at least for me) on Quora, FB and LinkedIn recently with anywhere from 200-300 on each post. Yet, the one I wrote last week had only a miserly number here on Quora, but pretty high numbers on the other social media sites. Could it be that those numbers increased because I changed the title of the post?

Here, I titled the post, Buy From Me, Buy From Me. PLEASE. Of course the post was all about not being able to sell your product or service properly and what we need to do to get out of that rut. 

Did I fall into my own argument? On the other media I titled it Who's Doing the Sales for Your Business? It got the highest number of views I've ever had on Facebook and high numbers of LinkedIn as well. Hmmmmmm, could it have been the name of the article?

If we look harder at this issue we can see from a psychological viewpoint, people don't want to be sold to (to the point where they didn't even take the time to see that this wasn't a sales vehicle, but a training post). It shows that we have to be mindful of what others are looking for and what they are interested in. 

A good example of this is all those phone calls we get all day long, trying to sell us things. How quickly do we get off the phone? It could be the BEST thing in the world but we don't even let them get into their spiel, because we KNOW that they are snakeoil salesmen and are trying to cheat us. Right? Isn't that the general feeling? I get calls for my 93 year old dad all the time, and because I am his first line of defense, I'm always the pitbull (sorry puppies -- I know you're not bad! LOL) waiting to attack. You're NOT getting to my gullible dad!

Does this give us a hint of what we need to do when we're trying to get people to buy what we're selling? I have been more and more aware of what and how I approach people and the words I use. Let's see how this title grabs you? Truly a rose by any other name in this business means SALES. Enjoy.

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