Thursday, August 13, 2015

Buy From Me, Buy From Me -- Please

I'll tell you right now, I'm not very good at sales. I am passionate about what I do, and I KNOW that I am good at it. I can share my knowledge and experience all day long, but getting to the point where I say come and get it, you know you want it -- well, that's another story. 

As small business owners, even if we have a staff to sell our products and services for us, we are still the main sales person for the business and always will be! Yet, every person that works for you needs to understand that they are in sales, as well. 

From appearance to attitude, production to conversations, everything that is said about us and our business is sales (and branding). If you hear an employee badmouthing the company, why should you want to buy from them? And so on and so forth. You, as the business owner, are not only responsible for your own actions, but also for those of people who work with you.

That's important to remember if you have employees or it's just you. But if we go back to talking about you -- the business owner -- you have to understand that there's no one else selling you but you. Yes, you are selling you. People buy from (for the most part) those they know, like and trust. It's no longer about the cold sale or the 100 daily phone calls or knocks on the door. We must spend time getting to know our potential customer, understanding their needs, wants and must haves. 

But that's only the start. Once we have a connection we have to let people know that what you do is valuable and worth the cost to buy it. If we're willing to give it away, why would anyone want to pay for it? Also, the old saying, you get what you pay for is very true. Often, the higher the price the most people want it as from a psychological standpoint, the value is seen as higher too. 

If you're like me, however, even if you know how valuable what you have to sell is, it's hard to say you're missing out on a great deal if you don't buy it from me. We lack self-confidence, are afraid of something (fear or success), or as just plain shy. But, suck it up buttercup. If you want to be a success, you've got to get past whatever it is that's holding you back, and sell, sell, sell. 

With that, here's my attempt at sales. If you enjoy this blog, go to Executive Coaching - Business Success Unlimited and sign up for our newsletter where you're learn about the programs, tips and challenges we provide our clients to help them grow and become more and more successful. See you there. I guarantee its worth the time!

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