Thursday, August 6, 2015

Gratitude and Appreciation

I wake up every morning and the first things I say are Thank You GOD for another day to get it right! And, please bless all my human angels here on earth that support me, guide me, keep me accountable, and push me sometimes kicking and screaming into the future. This means that there have been times when I didn't always get it right. I've mumbled and grumbled and complained about things that really didn't mean that much, and I've not always shown appreciation for the things that have gone right. 

I've been in business since I was 12 years old -- in one way or another, and if you've been reading my blogs long enough you have heard me talk about those years. Can you imagine how exciting it is for a 12 year old to have their own business that's actually making money? Whoohoo!!!!

I didn't really take the time though to appreciate all that I had and was creating for myself. Even when I was in college and paying my tuition (and pizza) with money I was earning, I took it for granted. And then came the times when I really moaned and groaned. I was sick, I lost a client, my office had to get moved, and so forth. These were all things to complain about -- did I EVER look at the lessons learned or take anything good from those times? No, not really but looking back, boy did I learn a lot.

These days I have a lot I could be grumbling about (and there are times that I do!) my parents' failing health, my disability from being in a hit and run accident 18 months ago, and sometimes slow sales. Yet, I try very hard to always be thankful to God for wonderful opportunities like this beautiful new "office" I'm sitting in as I write this, and for good friends, wonderful colleagues, an understanding husband, and people that support me and back me up as my raving fans. Thank you. And my tip to you -- find something to be grateful and appreciative of every day!!!!

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