I seem to have started a big debate on a group in Facebook today when I asked if those "Big Shot Gurus" really had a magic pill that could help someone make thousands and thousands of dollars in their businesses within X days or weeks. Because if there really was one, darn I wanted the prescription too. I see so many ads for books, webinars and classes (and they ONLY cost $1950 a month with a 6 month commitment). Yikes. I'm guessing those who want to buy the pill don't have that kind of money YET. And that's why they want to know the secret.
I feel really badly for those that actually come up for the money, expecting these fantastic results. I had a woman tell me the other day that it was no different than providing for a child's kidney transplant. The life of a child or a promise (unanswered) for swift business growth? I don't think so and was highly offended by her saying so.
As much as I hate to say it (but thank goodness the consensus on the discussion) there is no secret pill or formula to help you make millions your first month in business. It is, sad to say a sometimes long and hard struggle to get even to the point where you are ready to say, HEY! I'm a business owner! YIPPEE!!!!
But I do have a few secrets up my sleeve that I'll share with you for free -- when you figure these things out, you will be on your way. First, who is your target market? Who do you like working with? Believe me if you feel compelled to work with people who want fancy vacuum cleaners and you try to sell them brooms, you're not going to be happy, they're not going to buy, and you will not grow your business. Do NOT tell me that anyone is your target. In fact, it has been statistically proven...the narrower your target the better your potential. AND if you work with those that you feel drawn to, that helps as well. SO... the first thing you need to do is truly figure out WHO to work with.
Secret number 2: Do you know your finances? What do you spend on the various things you need to run your business? How much do you want to make? Do you know what you need to charge to not only break even, but to make a (here we go with a nasty word) PROFIT? Guess what guys? If you don't know these numbers, you're never going to get to the profit stage.
And finally, you need to understand and be able to share clearly and concisely what it is EXACTLY that you are providing to your customers. Again, not as easy as it sounds. You do NOT sell vacuum cleaners, you provide people with things that touch the emotional. Have you seen the television commercial for Febreeze? The woman wants her son's room to smell like he's away at boarding school. She doesn't want his room to smell clean. Or, another one wants her foyer to smell like a FOY-yeh. Fancy word for a fancy house. These are emotional senses and feelings. You have to figure out what resonates with your ideal client. Does this make sense? Not all that easy is it?
Sometimes my brain starts dancing, trying to help my clients figure this all out. But, again, I can guarantee, that when you do, you've just moved a step up on the success ladder, and boy is that worth while.
The final secret I'm going to share is that all this becomes much easier when you have a group of like-minded people that share your enthusiasm, passion, and where you can comfortably feel that you can share without recrimination or having your thoughts and ideas stolen. Mastermind programs, small business retreats, educational programs -- all are valuable ways to reach out and "touch" others to both help them, and yourself.
And, by the way, I really do have that magic pill that will make you an overnight success -- and it'll only cost you an arm and a leg. Want it?
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