Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Will YOU Ring the Bell?

In the military there are different training regimens that the candidates go through. And for many it is grueling. Using Navy Seals for instance, the program is months long and requires extreme physical and mental challenges. The average United States Navy SEAL spends over a year in a series of formal training environments before being awarded the Trident.  If there comes a time when the service member can no longer see their way to completing the program, they ring a bell, signifying that they quit. This is a real bell and sounds throughout the compound, letting everyone within hearing range know they have ended their struggle to meet the demands of the Seals program.

Those who make the grade are not the strongest men, nor the fastest swimmers, but those with burning desire to be SEALs. Their instructors have observed only one true predictor of which candidates will ultimately succeed – it’s those who want it the most — you can see it in their EYES!

This is not so different for those of us in business who really want to be a success. We can tell they're going to make it by the passion in their voices and the drive to accomplish their goals and dreams.

True business professionals may have to choose to miss a party or a get together because they have to complete a project for a paying client. They may have to say, sorry I'll have to catch up with you next time you're in town when a friend visits because there's a business invite that is very important to their growth prospects.  When asked to choose between spending money on eating out, or going to a networking meeting where your ideal clients will be, choosing the networking over the dinner is a sign of a business professional.

Ask yourself this question -- are you willing to go the distance to become a business SUCCESS or are you reaching out to ring that bell?

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